
Bulletin Announcements

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHURCH HOME? Welcome to God’s House! The First United Methodist Church might be the place you are looking for. We already love you in Christ and wish to know you in a personal relationship. As members of First United Methodist Church of Madison, Florida, we would count it a privilege to welcome you into this community of faith. If you wish to explore membership, please tell any of our members or contact the church office at 973-6295.


UMW SILVER BOX DONATIONS: There will be a special “Silver Box” on the table in the narthex starting Sunday, December 3rd – 17th. This is a project sponsored by the United Methodist Women during the holiday season. We chose a special couple this year, Pastor Bob and Traci Laidlaw, to receive the church’s love donations. This is a donation in addition to your regular offerings. Please drop your special donations in the Silver Box during this time. We will then honor them with our gifts of love after the 17th. Thanks for being the hands of Christ during this Christmas season.


CHURCH COMMITTEES:  If you are interested in serving on a committee, please fill out a form (located in the Narthex) and return it to the church office.


OUR SPECIAL $1.00:  Please remember to bring your $1.00 to the altar each week to help those in need. We have $1,062.89 in this account. Thank you! (If you do not feel comfortable coming to public worship, you can mail in a donation and put in the memo for the Dot Davis Fund, or to the Altar Fund.)   


BUDGET FOR 2022: The 2022 monthly budget is $28,345.50 with the amount of $6,541.26 weekly. The total income received for the month of November so far is $12,951.00 and the total expenses are $16,056.61 (You can continue to mail in or come by the church with your tithes and offerings if you are uncomfortable being back in church on Sundays!!). You can set up automatic payments for your tithes and donations by calling your local bank to have a check mailed to the church. If you have any questions, give the church office a call.


MEMORIAL GIFTS: When you send a gift to the church in memory of someone, the funds will go into the Building Fund unless they are designated.


DIRECTORY INFORMATION: Please contact Julie Maultsby, Directory Administrator, at the address or number below for any questions, corrections, updates or for directory access information. There is also an insert in each black pew registration pad for your convenience. If you want a printed copy of our church directory, please let her know. Call her at 850-973-0120 or email her at


MISSION MOMENT: If you are currently involved in a mission project, or are organizing an upcoming project, I would like to hear from you! A "Mission Moment" will be added periodically over the year to our church service. This will be a 2 to 3-minute time slot for a designated individual to advertise a current or upcoming mission activity. The purpose is to inform the congregation of details concerning mission activities and to invite members to participate in those activities. If you would like to provide a Mission Moment, or know someone who may, please e-mail me back and I will get you on the list. <> Yours in Christ, Julie Maultsby


ACOLYTE COORDINATOR: We need someone willing to help organize those who light the candles each week. Please let the church office know if you are interested to serve in this ministry.


2003 COOKBOOK SUPPLEMENTS: We have found 2003 cookbook supplements. They are in the office for $5.00 each and have some great recipes to add to your collection. You can write a check and put cookbook supplement in the memo.